Cortex Glass




and Gob Loading Measurement

The BlankWatch system measures blank side temperatures and/or gob loading parameters. The measurements are very precise and exactly timed with the IS-machine timing. The BlankWatch system measures the following temperatures and/or gob loading parameters:

  • Mold Temperature
  • Neck Ring Temperature
  • Plunger Temperature
  • Parison Temperature
  • Gob Loading Position
  • Gob Arrival Time
  • Gob Falling Angle
  • Gob Length
  • And many more

The BlankWatch system comes in two versions:

1.Swabbing Robot Version
2.Individual Section Version


Swabbing Robot Version

The BlankWatch Swabbing Robot system consists of a camera cabinet attached to a Swabbing Robot. The camera cabinet contains one or more thermal cameras and gob loading cameras. The temperature and gob loading measurements are performed before, during or after the robot is swabbing a section.


Individual Section Version

The BlankWatch Individual Section system uses one thermal and two gob loading cameras per section to measure each machine cycle the temperatures and gob loading parameters.

The real time measurement is an unique feature of the Cortex BlankWatch system and makes it possible to directly act in case one of the measurements is out of specifications. For example, when a plunger gets too hot the BlankWatch system can automatically reject the corresponding bottles, preventing critical defects like spikes to enter the cold end.



Installed at the blank side of an IS-Machine the BlankWatch system provides real time information about:

  • Mold Temperature
  • Neck Ring Temperature
  • Plunger Temperature
  • Parison Temperature
  • And many more..

The mold related temperature information is displayed in trend graphs together with the thermal images on an interactive Touch Screen. Warning and alarm limits can be set in order to inform personnel when the temperatures are out of the set limits.

With the BlankWatch temperature information cooling settings can easily be controlled resulting in constant temperature conditions, a requirement for a stable forming process.



A Blank Temperature Reference with all blank temperatures (mold, neck ring, plunger, parison, etc.) can be stored. During a job change the reference can be loaded back into the system in order to create the same blank conditions again. This significantly reduces the job change time.



The BlankWatch system equipped with gob loading cameras can measure the gob loading position, gob arrival time and much more.

The gob loading measurements are very precise and exactly timed with the IS-machine timing. The system provides information about:

  • Gob Loading X-Position
  • Gob Loading Y-Position
  • Gob Speed
  • Gob Length
  • Gob Shape
  • Gob Falling Trajectory
  • Gob Arrival Time
  • Section Timing

The mould related information is displayed in trend graphs together with the images on an interactive Touch Screen. Warning and alarm limits can be set in order to inform personnel when the measurements are out of the set limits.


of Use

Because the BlankWatch system uses cameras the system setup is very intuitive ("what you see is what you get").

Other key features of the BlankWatch are:

  • Easy to Use Touch Screen interface
  • Quick set up after a Job Change
  • Flexible, the user can create quickly new measurement spots
  • Self-Explanatory (limited training necessary)

Industry 4.0

/ Smart Factory

The BlankWatch system is fully oriented to Industry 4.0 / Smart Factory and provides real time process data which is stored in a database. Customer information systems can be easily connected to the BlankWatch system in order to use the data for production optimization.

All history data can also be retrieved and displayed on the BlankWatch system.



  • Homogeneous and stable Mold Temperatures
  • Optimal gob loading
  • Improved Glass Thickness Distribution
  • Reduction of critical defects like Spikes, Cracks etc
  • Reduction of Container Deformations
  • Tool to reduce the dependency of specialists
  • Tool to optimize the timing settings
  • Faster Job Change
  • Higher Product Quality
  • Higher Productivity
  • Lower Energy Consumption



  • Individual Section Version
  • Swabbing Robot Version
  • Hot End Reject
  • Hardware Interface for automatic closed loop temperature control
  • Software Interface for automatic closed loop temperature control