Cortex Glass




Monitoring, Inspection and Control

The GobWatch is an innovative gob monitoring, gob weight control and gob inspection system. The GobWatch system uses two high resolution cameras to create 3D images of all gobs from single, dual, triple or quad gob feeders.

The gob weight control function of the GobWatch system is very precise (±0.05% achievable) and works with single weight and multi weight gob feeders.

The GobWatch system can automatically reject glass products with gob weight deviations, gob length deviations, gob falling angle deviations or flint glass gobs with inclusions.

The GobWatch system comes with different options, is easy to use, improves the quality and productivity, shortens the Job-Change time and has a fast payback time.



The 3D gob images are processed and analysed in real-time in order to monitor the following parameters:

Gob Reference, gob width, gob length and gob weight graphs

  • Gob Weight
  • Gob Diameter
  • Gob Length
  • Gob Speed
  • Gob Shape
  • Gob Falling Angle X-direction
  • Gob Falling Angle Y-direction
  • Gob Temperature
  • Gob Temperature Profile
  • Seed Count and Bubble Count (flint glass)
  • Inclusion Size (flint glass)

All measured parameters are stored and displayed in trend graphs.


Gob Weight Control

Controller screen (Tube Height, Weight Distribution, Gob Weight graphs)

The GobWatch system automatically controls the gob weight by making small adjustments to the tube height, individual plunger height or tube rotation speed.

The gob weight control can start directly after a job change.


Bubble and Stone Inspection

Seed count, bubble count and size distribution graphs

The GobWatch system inspects each flint glass gob for seeds, bubbles and stones.

The seed count and bubble count information is stored and shown in various trend graphs.


End Reject

Rejects screen

The GobWatch system automatically rejects glass products made from gobs with gob weight deviations, shape deviations, temperature deviations and drop angle deviations.

The system can also reject a glass product made from a flint glass gob with a bubble, blister, cord or stone directly after the IS-machine.

Industry 4.0

/ Smart Factory

Statistics screen

Measurement data of each glass gob is stored in a database and can be easily retrieved and displayed on the GobWatch system. The measurement data is available for other systems to further improve the production process (furnace, forehearth etc).


Watch Benefits

  • Stable Gob Forming Process
  • Higher Product Quality
  • Higher Productivity
  • Lower Production Costs
  • Fast Payback Time


Watch Specifications

  • Single, Dual, Triple and Quad gob operation
  • Single or Multi/Variable Gob Weight Feeder
  • Inclusion Inspection
  • Hot End Reject
  • Tandem IS-Machine Version
  • BB, PB, NNPB
  • Easy Installation, Maintenance and Service